Retell the Video

By Unknown → 12/08/2014
Retell the video Part I – D*ve Advertisement

The first video is a commercial video made by D*ve (no mentioning the advertisement please). I think it teach us about the self-confidence. It began with the introduction of a man as a FBI Trained Forensic Artist - Gil Zamora. There was several women and the man asked about their physical appearance, just on the face, the women answer it truly. Then, the man sketched it. But, they were not look each, it means that they didn’t know each other.
After finished, the man demanded the women to acquaintance other person. Then, the man did the same thing previously. However, it was not with that women again, but he did it with the person (The man asked the person about the women physical appearance that they just met).
Finally, he gave the result of the sketch to the women. The result is pretty different! Between the first sketch that the women described their self and the second sketch - the person’s opinion. The second one is more beautiful than the first. The other people rating about the women face was more pretty nice than theirs. From that fact we can conclude that we must have more self-confidence.
Because “You are more beautiful than you think”

Retell the video Part II – Forest Gump

The second is a film called Forest Gump. It began with a boy named Forest Gump and a girl in a someplace. Suddenly, there were three boys that disturb Forest, they throw him with a rock. What a rude boy they are!
Then the girl demanded forest to run from them. For your information, forest had a physical defect on his foot. But, he still ran as fast as he can, yet the boys after him as well. They used a bike.  Surprisingly, on the middle of the path the tool that helped his defect foot was broke! And you know what will happen next? Yes, He can stand up without it! He can run! He has not a physical defect anymore!
Thus, he ran quickly, so fast, till the boys couldn’t reach him! Awesome!
We can learn from that video that “The wish could defeat anything!” and “Impossible is nothing!”

Good Job, Forest!
Ferry Ardana Putra

I'm Ferry Ardana Putra. A full time English student. I terribly love the technology, more than my Girl (I wish I have). Usually, My friends called me 'The Gadget Freak'.

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